Megan Wilde

Megan Wilde

Megan is a dual national British American actor, based in London. She read Film at Sussex University as an undergraduate and gained her Master’s degree at East 15 Acting School, where she trained on the MA Acting course.

Her theatre credits include: Sylvia Plath in Battleaxe (Camden People’s Theatre, Camden Fringe) where she co-wrote, directed and produced the play as a former founding member of Battleaxe Theatre. And Feminist Friend/ Ensemble in an adaptation of The Yellow Wallpaper (Ovo Theatre Company, Maltings Arts Theatre, St Albans).

Credits whilst training include: Lady Macbeth in Macbeth; Paulette in Suicide in B Flat; Varya in The Cherry Orchard; and Susan in Woman in Mind (Corbett Theatre, East 15).

Film credits include: Maria in The Good Soldier (feature, directed by Mike Maroney); and Tiffany in An Immaculate Conception (short, directed by Willy Brown).

Megan works freelance within film production. Most recently she was 1st Assistant Director for the short film Starring! (directed by Rebecca Holmes). She works as a technician at The Young Vic Theatre, and has filmed and directed many live events, including The Hay Literary Festival. Her long standing love of film, especially independent cinema, has taken her to work with Picturehouse Cinemas and Sundance Film Festival London.
